Node.js - fs.stat
Node.js provides set of useful functions to get information of system files. The most basic one is
Function Call
The arguments in turn are:
- path: the path to the file.
- options: object of function options. This argument can be omitted.
- callback: function being called after the stat function.
For example, lets take this code:

fs.stat vs fs.lstat
Another function which serve similar purposes as fs.stat is fs.lstat. They all give user information of systems file, however they are used in different cases:
- fs.stat: if the path is a symbolic link, the function returns information of the target file.
- fs.lstat: if the path is a symbolic link, the function returns information of the symlink, not the target file.
Notice When Using fs.stat
The function's purpose is to get all detail info of a file, therefore it would take a quite operations when processing. Considering using other functions as stated in the official document:
to check for the existence of a file before
is not recommended. Instead, user code should open/read/write the file directly and handle the error raised if the file is not available.
To check if a file exists without manipulating it afterwards,fs.access()
is recommended."
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