Hacktoberfest 2018 - first 5 PR

Hacktoberfest will reach an end today in Oct. 31st, 2018. It was a great opportunity DPS909 offering me, a junior programmer to put the very first steps into the international community of programmers. By filing 5 Pull Requests, what I did gain was the experiences of how to find a suitable project to work on, how to find and report an issue, and how to request a fix I make to that issue. Oh, and also an incoming Hacktoberfest T-Shirt.
The Projects
Hacktoberfest - Hacking festival of October requires us to do at least 5 PR, so starting as a fresh mate, I decided to find an easy to adapt repository first, as the main purpose is to learn how to collaborate by git.
I found out that besides some websites suggesting suitable projects for beginner, Github itself already has a useful built-in search function. All I need is to find an open issue, with the language I want, and the label "hacktoberfest" with this syntax "is:issue is:open label:hacktoberfest language:javascript".

Then I found two projects to work on for this festival:
- hacktoberfest-2k18-katas: It's a collection of small problems. Each is a puzzle which is unrelated to the others, so one can start to work on without spending a lot of time to adapt.
- iskra-webkit-greeter: A web-based login screen. It's quite simple and well organized so a beginner can start to dig in without any problems.
Hacktoberfest-2k18-katas PR
For this project, I've solved 4 problems and made 4 PR which were all merged.
- wordSpiral: to detect the pattern of a matrix of characters from a given string.
- oddOccurrencesInArray: to find one character that does not pair to any others in the given array.
- evalOrQuery: to check the similarity of a given result and a given query.
- longestUniqueSubstring: to find the longest unique continuous substring from a given string.
Iskra-webkit-greeter PR
For this project, the own offered a beginner friendly issue to add multi-language supporting.
Summary of What I Have Learned
- Finding a desired repository/issue using syntax and keywords.
- Starting a work on an issue: it depends on the repository's owner. Some require to ask in comments to be assigned, some require to write to a command to be automatically assigned, some don't require anything at all, just fix the issue and file a PR.
- Scanning the README or issue descriptions of the repository: It's is important that the code we make follow the existing coding styles, guidelines to not conflict with other codes.
- Make a Pull Request, checking its status or comparing codes.
The Next Steps
The passed journey was a success, I did learned something, all the PR were accepted and merged, so I did contribute some very minor things to the world (feelsgoodman). For the next couple of weeks, I'm going to do the next releases in DPS909, which is to continue working on collaborating through Github. However, since I already have the basic experience, this is the time to move on other big projects, spending time to find issue, or even work with others on a new project.
- Repo 1: https://github.com/rgehan/hacktoberfest-2k18-katas
- Repo 2: https://github.com/felipemarinho97/iskra-webkit-greeter
- Issue 1: https://github.com/rgehan/hacktoberfest-2k18-katas/issues/195
- Issue 2: https://github.com/rgehan/hacktoberfest-2k18-katas/issues/228
- Issue 3: https://github.com/rgehan/hacktoberfest-2k18-katas/issues/279
- Issue 4: https://github.com/rgehan/hacktoberfest-2k18-katas/issues/325
- Issue 5: https://github.com/felipemarinho97/iskra-webkit-greeter/issues/16
- PR 1: https://github.com/rgehan/hacktoberfest-2k18-katas/pull/225
- PR 2: https://github.com/rgehan/hacktoberfest-2k18-katas/pull/251
- PR 3: https://github.com/rgehan/hacktoberfest-2k18-katas/pull/327
- PR 4: https://github.com/rgehan/hacktoberfest-2k18-katas/pull/361
- PR 5: https://github.com/felipemarinho97/iskra-webkit-greeter/pull/33
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